Thursday, September 30, 2004

I Am Pumped! - Plus, Maybe This SAT Thing Won't Be As Hard As I Thought

Wow! I am pumped out of my mind! At first I was really fretting about taking the SAT's, but now I think I just might do ok. Here's why I'm not so worried:
I took a practice SAT yesterday (September 29) and managed to pull off a 990! I was jumping around the house, crying because I was so happy! Today, however, I took yet another practice SAT, and made a whopping 1050! I achieved my minimum goal! I would like to make 1100 if possible, but I'll be happy with a measley 1000 if need be. I know that 1100 may seem low to those of you who are actually smart, but for me being approximately a year behind, I think I'm doing pretty good!

Another reason why I'm pumped: I'M GOING TO HOMECOMING!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going with my boyfriend, Josh (duh), to Flower Mound's Homecoming Dance (and game)! I'm so excited! I can't wait to make his garter! I love spending hours on end doing things for people that I know will make them smile! It's going to be great! I'm so excited!!!

Well, it's late and I have inventory to do at work tomorrow, so... yeah. I apologize for my garrulous speech. Ttyl!


Monday, September 20, 2004

It's Been A While - Plus, Nothing Much Has Changed

Sorry it's been so long. I've thought about posting a few times, but i never had anything to write about. I still don't.

Umm...Lara dislikes me hurts.

My four-month anniversary (or 4th monthiversary as i like to call it) with Josh was on Thursday the 16th. We went out on Saturday, and he let me pick what to do to commemorate. He's great.

I've taken two full practice SAT's now. I took a practice SAT all the way through on Friday the 17th. The scores i got were as follows:
MATH: 310

I had taken only the Math section previous to the above test. I made a 490. I can't figure out how I managed to drop 180 points. Needless to say, i'm going to be working a bit harder than i was before. The SAT's are in less than a month (October 9), so i'd better get cracking.

I got to sing Beautiful One with Amanda and Emily this Sunday in big church... for the OFFERTORY!!! Yeah, it was great. I had fun, and everyone I talked to said that we sounded good, so i'm happy!

That's really all that's been going on. I'll talk to you peoples later.


Saturday, September 04, 2004

It's No Use - Plus, Big Decision To Make

I've tried, and no matter what I do, I can't make the links show up on the new template. There's no use in trying anymore... I give up.

I can't decide if I should go to public school or start taking classes at NCTC, but I can't just sit around and do nothing. I want to go to public school. Badly. I need to catch up on school. I don't think I'm as far behind as I think I am, but it doesn't hurt to expect the worst and receive better, now does it? So far I have asked three different people if I would be capable of handling public school. They all said yes. I'm planning on asking more, even an adult or two. I don't know why I'd ask an adult who's been out of school for years, but I feel like I should. I'm going to search on the internet or call the school and find out what I'd need to do to register before confronting my parents on the subject. I don't want them trying to change my mind.

I'm going to go now. I guess I'll talk with you people later.


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